The domain of cognitive control has been a major focus of experimental, neuroscience, and individual differences research. Currently, however, no theory of cognitive control successfully unifies both experimental and individual differences findings. …
Cognitive control serves a crucial role in human higher mental functions. The Dual Mechanisms of Control (DMC) account provides a unifying theoretical framework that decomposes cognitive control into two qualitatively distinct mechanisms –proactive …
Working memory is thought to be strongly related to cognitive control. Recent studies have sought to understand this relationship under the prism of the dual mechanisms of control (DMC) framework, in which cognitive control is thought to operate in …
Master's Thesis - That Working Memory (WM) Training improves WM is nothing novel. Claims that WM training transfer to improved cognitive skills such as fluid intelligence is. Our results indicate that WM Training does show some near-transfer to cognitive control, but not far-transfer to reading comprehension.