Individual Differences

Prospective memories in the wild: Predicting memory for intentions in natural environments.

Prospective memory, the ability to remember an intention at the appropriate future moment, is often investigated in the laboratory to maximize experimental control. However, demands of laboratory prospective memory tasks only partly map onto everyday …

Working Memory Capacity and Dual Mechanisms of Cognitive Control: An Experimental-Correlational Approach.

Working memory is thought to be strongly related to cognitive control. Recent studies have sought to understand this relationship under the prism of the dual mechanisms of control (DMC) framework, in which cognitive control is thought to operate in …

Individual Differences in Attention and Intelligence: A United Cognitive/Psychometric Approach.

Process overlap theory (POT) is a new theoretical framework designed to account for the general factor of intelligence (g). According to POT, g does not reflect a general cognitive ability. Instead, g is the result of multiple domain-general …